Special thank you to Ms. Doran for recommending this great game! Can you help Santa slide down the hill? Check it out at: http://smartboards.typepad.com/smartboard/files/snow_line.swf

Every year Norad (North American Aerospace Defense Command) uses their technology to track Santa. Before the big day you can check out the scene at the North Pole and play various games!

On Christmas Eve check out the latest videos of Santa skirting the globe to deliver presents to all good girls and boys! You can also view Santa's travels using Google Earth.

As students finish up their finals in Tech class the next two days will be free days! Check out the holiday games below!
At http://freechristmasgames.com/ you'll find lots of puzzle games, including one of my favorite games Mahjong.

At http://primarygames.com/holidays/christmas/games.htm you'll find over twenty-five different holiday games.

http://www.christmasmahjong.com/ has a Christmas mahjong game that is especially helpful for players new to this game. The tiles that you can't click are shaded gray, making it easier to determine which tiles are available for play.

http://www.freechristmasgames.org/game/60/Starlight-Xmas.html has a unique puzzle where you connect stars to reveal a hidden picture. Quit tricky!

Wish you could spend Christmas abroad? Check out these trees from around the world: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/gallery/2011/dec/01/christmas-trees-around-the-world.
This website: http://www.christmastreemarket.com/History-of-the-Christmas-Tree-Origin-Infographic-s/311.htm has a great info-graphic of a brief history of Christmas trees.
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Help Santa escape the room! This by far is the trickiest one I've done, and I still haven't completed it yet! There are a lot of "old school" toys featured in this game- good luck!

This game lets you decorate a snowman, tree, or Santa by slinging the objects into the correct place.