This is the Mailer Demon. You may have receved an email from him, only he spells it Mailer D-a-e-mon. A daemon, in technology terms, is a process that runs in the background. When an email doesn't send properly the Mailer Daemon sends you a message to let you know it didn't work. He's actually much nicer than he looks, because he tells you exactly why your message didn't go through (usually it's because you spelled the email address wrong).

If you get a message from this little creature DO NOT delete it.  His messages are a little hard to read, but with practice you'll figure out what he's trying to say. Ask a teacher to help you figure out which email didn't get sent, so you can try sending it again.

Special thanks to Mrs. Geigner's little brother Chris, a graphic arts student at I.S.U., for showing us what the Mailer Daemon looks like :)