It's that time of year again! The 2012 Doodle for Google contest has been announced! This year's theme is "If I could travel in time, I'd visit......"

Two Ways to Enter
First, every student at HJSHS will need to complete at least 1 doodle for a technology grade. Doodle entries are due Friday, February 10, 2012 to Mrs. Geigner. I will scan your doodle. You will receive an email of your scanned doodle to put in your electronic portfolio and I will put them on the class website. The entire school will vote on the best doodle from our school on Wednesday, February 15th. The winner and two runner-ups will receive prizes (to be announced). Students may enter multiple entries!
Next, any student who wishes to send their entry to the Doodle 4 Google national competion may do so! Choose 1 entry that you did to submit. You must have an entry form completed by your parent/guardian attached to your doodle.

If you have additional questions please see me or comment below! Good luck and be creative!

You can view last year's doodles here: