I've written about Wonderopolis before but wanted to remind everyone about this unique website. Each day they feature a new wonder on a variety of topics. Be sure to check it out at http://wonderopolis.org/.

Click to see the badges!
Did you know? You can earn badges to go on your Edmodo profile! Badges are like little virtual stickers that show you have achieved something. You can check out all the badges at the link below. If you have any suggestions for new badges please leave a comment below! If you notice a badge you should have on your profile and it is missing please send me an email!

Last year our yearbook featured a theme about puzzle pieces, how all students at HJSHS work together to make the puzzle complete. This year Mr. Montoya is looking for your ideas! What theme would you like to see? What words, colors, photos, etc. would you like to see? Email your ideas to Mr. Montoya!